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Edit files

Work in progress

This documentation is work-in-progress. In the meantime, you can take a look at the interfaces.


interface EditFilesOptions {
    * The files to edit. Can use a double-star glob.
  files: string | string[]

    * List of operations to perform on the given file.
  operations: EditFileOperation[]

type EditFileOperation = (AddLineAtIndexOperation | AddLineAtOperation | AddLineWithMatchOperation | RemoveLineOperation | ReplaceVariablesOperation | UpdateContentOperation | EditJsonOperation) & {
   * Whether to skip that operation.
  skipIf?: (content: string, targetFile: string) => Promisable<Boolean>

| Add line

interface AddLineOperation {
  type: 'add-line'

    * The lines to add.
  lines: string | string[]

    * Indentation for this line addition.
    * If a number: will indent with the given amount of spaces.
    * If a string: will use the given string as indentation.
    * If true: will keep the indentation from the line before or after.
    * If false: will not indent.
  indent?: number | string | boolean

type AddLineWithMatchOperation = AddLineOperation & {
   * Whether to add the line before or after the matched line.
  position: 'after' | 'before'

   * The line to match.
  match: RegExp

type AddLineAtOperation = AddLineOperation & {
   * Whether to prepend or append the line.
  position: 'prepend' | 'append'

type AddLineAtIndexOperation = AddLineOperation & {
   * The index to which add the line.
  position: number

| Remove line

interface RemoveLineOperation {
  type: 'remove-line'

    * The line to match.
  match: RegExp

   * The index to start removing lines from. Defaults to 0.
  start?: number

   * The amount of lines to remove. Defaults to 1, can be negative to remove previous lines.
  count?: number

| Replace variables

interface ReplaceVariablesOperation {
  type: 'replace-variables'

    * Variable prefix. Defaults to @@.
  prefix?: string

    * An object which keys are variable names and values are variable content.
  variables: Record<string, string | number | ((content: string) => string | number)>

| Update content

interface UpdateContentOperation {
  type: 'update-content'

   * Callback that takes the file content and must return the updated content.
  update: (content: string) => string

| Edit JSON

interface EditJsonOperation {
  type: 'edit-json'

   * Merges the given JSON object.
  merge?: JsonObject

   * Replaces the given JSON object.
   * A helper is given to omit keys from the given JSON object.
  replace?: (current: any, omit: (object: any, ...keys: string[]) => any) => JsonObject

   * Deletes the properties at the given paths. Paths may have dots.
  delete?: string | string[]